As we always try to learn from the past to look into the future, we know that about 65% of our clients contact us after 4-6 years with first requests for changes to the installed equipment. The reasons for this include:
Based on this experience, our equipment is generally modularly designed and can be modified and upgraded effectively and within optimized time schedules. This ensures that the future of our plants and their operators does not lead to a dead end.
Minimum cutting costs – because the investment must be profitable! Isn't that going round in circles? No, it's not. SAB not only continuously further develops chippers, profilers & co. and is looking for profitable, cost-efficient solutions that are safe investments. For us, maximizing the yield also includes getting more value out of the residual wood. The further use of high-quality wood chips or the optimization of the good fraction are part of our everyday business. Milling chips and sawdust are optimally prepared for further processing. Bark is processed to marketable mulch. Not only timber is increasingly used in a growing number of applications – especially in the construction industry; the same applies to residual wood. There is no "waste" any more: 100% input – 100% output.
Zu den Gründen 11
57319 Bad Berleburg - Aue